Saturday, May 08, 2004

Busy Couple of Days

We've had a busy couple of days, and I've been put in touch with a group of friends from my high school years in Saudi Arabia, which has been a lot of fun so far ! Last night we went to the Palm Beach Convention Center for the graduation ceremony of Kim Carchia, a friend from work. She's had a rough year - her father passed away after developing cancer - and we wanted to be there at her ceremony to try and lift her spirits. There were six of us from work and we made quite a noise when she went on stage for her degree. It was a big ceremony - over thirteen hundred graduates, so it was standing room only in the big hall at the convention center. Afterwards we had dinner at Brewzzis in City Place and we gave Kim a round of applause whenever the Secret Word was spoken..."graduation". I think this happened about twenty times or so :)

Today we went to Tsunami restaurant, an "Asian Fusion" place for the birthday of another friend from work, David. It was a great place, very stylish and modern food, which matched the decor. The highlight was, for some reason, finding that the bathrooms had red glass sinks which were operated by foot pedals. We talked briefly with the owner and she ended up taking our group birthday picture in the men's bathroom ! We just got home and are looking forward to a day at home tomorrow, relaxing and recharging our batteries for the next week of work :) We'll both be in Dallas for a work event starting May 23rd, so that's something to look forward to as well.

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