"Basic Endgames" on Chessable is a free collection of exercises in endgames you should know. I've just started it but I know it's something I've been looking for. Chess endgames are full of motifs and drills/exercises that you just need to know, like how to get a single pawn to the other end of the board, or if you're on the other side, how to STOP a single pawn getting to the end of the board.
The sections include:
- Pawn Endgames
- Queen + King vs King
- Queen vs Pawn
- Mating with King and Rook
- Rook endings
- Bishop vs pawn
It goes on, but you get the idea. You can also practice some of these endings on Lichess in a way that doesn't demand perfect moves.
I can also recommend the six specialized endgames section from lichess: pick the piece type you want to focus on (ie pawns, bishops & pawns, rooks & pawns etc) and try to do ten puzzles from that area. If they are too hard, dial down the difficult with the Difficulty setting in the bottom left.
There is benefit in doing puzzles that take a while to figure out, but there's more benefit (I think!) in doing a bunch of puzzles that you can solve quite quickly - under 30 seconds maybe? That's the kind of speed you need for most games you'll play and practicing those fast ones until you see the answer without even thinking about it...that's a good feeling!